I think I have something else (Not COVID-19)

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 virus – which is fatal in about 2% of victims – can look like many things. It may or may not present with the typical symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Diarrhea is a frequent component of the illness; so is sore throat, nausea, body aches, chills, and abdominal pain. The only way to avoid spreading the disease is to self-quarantine while you’re contagious. The only way to know you’re contagious is to get a test. Fennimore Medical is now offering while-you-wait COVID tests.

Fennimore Medical Clinic has now received its antigen-based rapid test device: a Quidel Sofia system. We can detect Covid in as little as 15 minutes, and results are guaranteed within two hours. This test is deemed entirely reliable for positive results, and highly reliable for negative results.